Services For Guitar And Bass Amplifiers
Includes a detailed internal and sonic assessment of the amplifier; tightening hardware, checking tubes, wiring, voltages, solder joints, tube sockets, capacitors and resistors; cleaning tube sockets, jacks, and pots. Includes Retube & Bias if necessary.
Installing new preamp/power/rectifier tubes and Biasing for Class A or Class AB topology. Select NOS tubes kept in stock and available on demand.
Replacement/upgrade of the electrolytic capacitors in the power supply and/or signal path.
Installation of new or upgraded speaker. Grill cloth replacement and baffle adjustments.
Replacement of Power Transformer, Output Transformer, and/or Choke.
Please consult by Phone so I can best assist you regarding mods and custom wiring options.
- Tone Stack Modifications
- Power/Preamp Tube Swaps + Additions
- Power Filtering And Noise Floor Improvements
- De-Modifying A Vintage Amplifier
- Taking A Modern Re-Issue Back To Vintage Spec
- Changing Power Tube Bias From Fixed Bias To Cathode Bias Or Vice-Versa
- Modernizing Power Tube Type (I.E 6146B To EL34 or 6550)
- Power Rail And Supply Voltage Drop Or Increase
- Master Volume Addition Or Subtraction
- Preamp Type Change (Cathode Bias To Grid Leak Bias or Vice-Versa)
- Installation of Screen Grid Resistors
- Pentode/Triode Switch
Everything I build and repair is done with heritage craftsmanship and top notch military grade components.
Although I revere much of the outstanding equipment built from the 50's-70's (Ampeg, Fender, Magnatone, Mu-Tron, and Orange… to name a few influences) - I like pushing boundaries sonically and moving what analog gear can do into the future with innovative ideas.
I like effects and amps that operate in true stereo and accommodate more than just Guitarists. Bassists, Synth/Drum Machine users, and even Vocalists should be able to have awesome Vacuum Tube amps/effects too.
I can make many pieces of gear designed custom for the prospective customer - But I have two main electronic designs that I can make available at any time produced as one-offs: A hand-wired Fuzz/Fixed Wah Pedal and a Hand-Wired All Tube amp focused on gain.
Consultations Available …
Equipment and gear This Shop does not service:
- Home Audio/Theater Equipment
- Console Stereo Systems
- Most Amplifiers With A Used Value Less Than $300 (Serious Repairs Become Hard To Do Or Justify Financially)
- Solid State Power Amps or PA Systems
- Circuits Made Entirely Of SMD Parts
- Solid State Receivers
- Radios (Tube or Solid State)
- Digital Effects/Amplifiers Made Entirely Of Digital Circuitry (Including Modelers, Switching Systems, Etc.)
- Tape Decks/Turntables/CD Players
- Synthesizers